
南京德普筒仓显著的优点 Advantages 

l       强度高,整体刚性好 。

由于螺旋卷边钢板仓采用专业设备自动弯折、咬边成型, 每隔一个节距均有呈螺旋形的凸缘,增加了筒体的强度,加上钢板仓内壁每隔一米有纵向加强筋,因此筒体的强度很高。

Good overall quality

During silo construction, special equipment is used. Around the silo body wide spiral protruding strip that strengthens the silo in load-bearing capacity, steadiness and anti-seismic. Highly anti-corrosion material ensures longer silo life.



l       机械化程度高,速度快,建造工期短。

成型机和卷边机的线速度为3-5m/s, 制造一座1000m3的螺旋卷边钢板仓只需6-7天。

 Short construction period:

The construction period is short and 6-7days are needed for build a silo with capacity of 1000 m3.


l       自重轻,对基础要求低,建造费用低。

南京德普筒仓的用钢量仅相当于同等规摸的钢筋混凝土筒仓的用钢量,而且在基础承载力方面,钢板仓平均只有0.36t/m2,而钢筋混凝土筒仓为4.2 t/m2,因此,对地基处理的造价要远远低于钢筋混凝土筒仓螺旋卷边钢板仓综合投资省,建造费用低。

Low expenses:

The weight of the steel silo is much less than the concrete silo .

With double-folded material, the silo can be used to contain corrosive liquid in chemical industry, environmental protection, etc.


l       密封性能好,使用广泛。


Good gas-tightness and usages:

As special equipment is used during the construction processing, quality can be ensured in every respect. It can be used as raw material warehouse, transferring warehouse, storehouse, oil tank and water tank.

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